EIN# 95-4863739
Please help our dogs by donating
what you can!

Learn about dog health, care, and nutrition for your best friend.
Find Florida pet friendly vacation rental homes and condos at Vacation Rental Pros
Save money on printer cartridges & help Ace of Hearts!

Subscribe to Dog's Life
magazine - a portion of
the proceeds will
benefit Ace of Hearts!
If we don't
the right dog
for you,
please visit
these websites:
L.A. Animal Services
County Shelters
Ace of Hearts is non-profit
501(c)(3) organization and relies upon private donations to help fund
our rescue operation.
All donations are tax deductible. And since we are an all volunteer organization, 100% of your donation directly benefits our animals. Our ongoing expenses include:
veterinary care
costs of rescuing new dogs from the shelter system as our current dogs are adopted out
Specific or General Donations
You can make a general donation or request that your donation be used specifically in one of the above categories or for a particular dog in need. Please mark in your check memo where you would like the donation applied. Remember, your donation is tax deductible, so please give generously!
Checks can be made out to "Ace of Hearts" and mailed to:
Ace of Hearts
PO Box 2357
Beverly Hills Ca. 90213
We also accept credit card payments through PayPal. PayPal is a FREE service which allows you to make credit card purchases/donations securely over the internet.
To make a one-time donation, please click on the Donate button below


Become a monthly supporter!
Your scheduled donations provide for the critical medical treatments, food, and homes that make it possible for us to save lives. The need is urgent! Please help us rescue dogs about to be euthanized and make sure they get the second chance they deserve.
Please also take a look at our links page; we have links to several merchants who give a percentage of their sales to Ace of Hearts!

Avery - before

Despite the terrible neglect and abuse she has endured, Avery still welcomes hugs!
Poor Avery was rescued just in time from a HORRENDOUS situation in a puppy mill. She is an English bulldog who was overbred until her ovary swelled up to the size of an orange (it should have been the size of a grape!). We can't even imagine the kind of pain she must have been in. Because of neglect, she also has spindle tumors all over. She has received emergency medical care but needs so much more; please help cover the cost of helping this brave lady!!! Please visit our donations page to help! And please pass her story on to people who think it's okay to buy puppies from stores!

Avery, recovering from surgery |
If you have
any questions please call us at 310-358-3344 or send us an email.

Contact us via email if you are interested in purchasing one of the above 'Furry Friends' bracelets at $40
Proceeds are donated to Ace of Hearts.
please register your Ralph's card at www.ralphs.com
under Community Development (ACE can get 4% of your purchases!)
please register at igive.com where your online shopping helps ACE dogs!

Ace with founder Kari Whitman
