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L.A. Animal Services

Los Angeles
County Shelters

(213) 847-1417

1-800-PetMeds RX/120x60.gif

on pet air travel:

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Things you should consider before adopting a new pet

Why do you want a pet?

Are you committed to making a pet part of your family? Are you ready to accept the headaches and hassles along with the love and joy of pet companionship?

Who will be the pet's primary caregiver?
Pets should not be left alone for long periods of time. If you work full-time or are away from the house regularly for more than 6-7 hours at a time, you will need to consider additional caregiving options. Pets become bored, restless and unhappy when they feel neglected, and can sometimes resort to destructive habits to show their unhappiness. If you or another family member can't spend most of the day at home, you'll need to consider doggie day care, a secondary caregiver, or a second pet.

Are you considering a puppy?

Remember that puppies take much, MUCH more time than adult dogs. In addition to all the extra veterinary costs involved in caring for a puppy, puppies need extensive training to become housebroken and to grow into well-behaved, happy pooches. If you do not have the time to adequately care for a puppy, an adult dog is the best choice for you.

Is there room for a pet in your home?
Dogs need plenty of space to run and play, but cannot be allowed to run free. If you're in a small apartment or a house with a very small yard, please consider whether you'll have time to take your dog for long walks. Remember that indoor dogs are happy dogs! No dog likes to be left alone outside for long periods of time, and you should not get a dog if you are not willing to keep him/her inside most of the time.

Can you afford a pet?

A pet is not only an investment of time, but of money as well. According to a 1991 survey of costs, the Humane Society of the United States determined the average cost of properly caring for a dog:

Adopting a dog from a shelter $55 Annual feeding $155-$400
First Year vaccinations $200 Each year thereafter $65
Initial Training $50-$100 Each year thereafter $50-$200
Other annual veterinary care $135 Annual toys, grooming supplies $160
Grooming per visit $50 Annual flea and tick care $80

Ace with founder Kari Whitman